The Blufin Experience - Bluetooth or WiFi Enabled
Blufin Labs is a consulting firm dedicated to the integration of wireless sensors with wireless protocols, like Bluetooth and WiFi. Our mission is to provide customers with the software and hardware engineering components needed to create the quickest wireless connections for custom sensors and systems. By allowing Blufin to manage communication hardware and software, customers can focus on what they do best and avoid wireless integration problems.
To connect custom sensors and systems with mobile device, we use our own application programming interfaces, original visualization tools, and industry protocols to build professional iOS and Android applications. These applications create the link between a particular system and WiFi- or Bluetooth-enabled devices, including smartphones, tablets, and computers. Blufin also designs solutions that include external memory, analog front ends, power conditioning, and more to provide a complete integrated hardware solution.
Our design and development process starts with a discussion. Give us a call or send us an email to see if we can help connect your sensors or systems.